Thursday 1 May 2008

Crochet Presents

I made this, (the brooch) for a friend from the book 'Vintage Crochet' by Susan Cropper.... I was half way through it when I realised it was a design by Kate of Cardigan who we were very pleased did Brighton Craft Fair last year and will be doing this years re-named MADE08-Brighton's Design and Craft Fair .

Some wonderful and unusual crochet at these 2 etsy shops - gooseflesh and
irregular expressions,which we featured in shop of the week at MADE, our art and craft blog.

My first attempts at crochet,toys for babies, were from Japanese amigurumi patterns - with a basic translation of the key. Oddly they do seem much more straightforward than a lot of English patterns.

Apart, of course,from Lucinda Guy's absolutely wonderful 'Crochet Designs for Boys and Girls'.

I was lucky enough to see a dummy before publication, it's a real beauty, very original and very 'want to makeable now'. As with her other books, it's a complete collaboration between herself and her partner, designer and illustrator Francois Hall. If his elegant solutions to understanding the crochet patterns more clearly, had been around a little earlier life wouldv'e been a lot simpler for someone who managed by fluke rather than design!

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